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Презентация на тему Sightseeing of London,

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Презентация на тему Sightseeing of London.

If you're in London to see the sights, you've come to the right place. LondonTown.com can help you find discounts on tickets to top attractions, great offers on guided tours and useful information on out-of-town trips. Whether you want to enjoy panoramic views over the House of Parliament from the London Eye, see The Queen at Buckingham Palace, or get a scare at the London Dungeons you'll find it all here. Plus, find out how to travel further afield to the likes of Stonehenge and Edinburgh or take a day trip to Paris on the Eurostar. Discover the best ways to see the city with our guide to all the top attractions and special sightseeing offers.If you're in London to see the sights, you've come to the right place. LondonTown.com can help you find discounts on tickets to top attractions, great offers on guided tours and useful information on out-of-town trips. Whether you want to enjoy panoramic views over the House of Parliament from the London Eye, see The Queen at Buckingham Palace, or get a scare at the London Dungeons you'll find it all here. Plus, find out how to travel further afield to the likes of Stonehenge and Edinburgh or take a day trip to Paris on the Eurostar. Discover the best ways to see the city with our guide to all the top attractions and special sightseeing offers.If you're in London to see the sights, you've come to the right place. LondonTown.com can help you find discounts on tickets to top attractions, great offers on guided tours and useful information on out-of-town trips. Whether you want to enjoy panoramic views over the House of Parliament from the London Eye, see The Queen at Buckingham Palace, or get a scare at the London Dungeons you'll find it all here. Plus, find out how to travel further afield to the likes of Stonehenge and Edinburgh or take a day trip to Paris on the Eurostar. Discover the best ways to see the city with our guide to all the top attractions and special sightseeing offers.


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«Презентация на тему Sightseeing of London, »

Sightseeing in London

Sightseeing in London

Tower of London

Tower of London

Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

Big Ben

Big Ben

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

London Eye

London Eye

Tower - [ˈtaʊə] Square - [skwɛə] Palace - [ˈpælɪs]  

Tower - [ˈtaʊə]

Square - [skwɛə]

Palace - [ˈpælɪs]  

Checking up the home task  Read the text about London

Checking up the home task

Read the text about London

Holidays in England

Holidays in England

New words Holiday – мейрам Christmas – Рождество April Fool’s day – Сәуір әзіл күні Halloween – Хэллоуин New Year – Жаңа жыл Mother’s day – Аналар мейрамы Christmas tree - шырша Celebrate – тойлау Decorate – сәндеу, безендіру Guest – қонақ Present – сыйлық Roasted turkey – қуырылған күркетауық Pumpkin – асқабақ Stockings - шұлық

New words

Holiday – мейрам

Christmas – Рождество

April Fool’s day – Сәуір әзіл күні

Halloween – Хэллоуин

New Year – Жаңа жыл

Mother’s day – Аналар мейрамы

Christmas tree - шырша

Celebrate – тойлау

Decorate – сәндеу, безендіру

Guest – қонақ

Present – сыйлық

Roasted turkey – қуырылған күркетауық

Pumpkin – асқабақ

Stockings - шұлық

There are There is We use there is for singular nouns We use there are for plural nouns

There are

There is

We use there is for singular nouns

We use there are for plural nouns

There is a book There are books

There is a book

There are books

Home task Write essay about your favorite holiday

Home task

Write essay about your favorite holiday

Good bye!!!

Good bye!!!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Презентация на тему Sightseeing of London,

Автор: Садуакасова Нурпатша Куаткановна

Дата: 26.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 244147

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object(ArrayObject)#854 (1) {
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